Thursday, April 2, 2009

Latest class/event list

Here's what happening this month here at Enchanted!

As always, please mention if you are buying materials for a class and we will give you 10% off!

April 3rd 10:30 to 11:30- Anything on 2 circulars class, Free!

If you want to learn an alternative to working with double-pointed needles, now is the time! Some of our classes this month require knitting with 2 circs and this will get you there! We will be working on a sample tube using 2 circular needles. After this class, you will be able to knit anything on 2 circulars! 1 session class.

April 7th 10:30 to 11:30 or 10th 5:30 to 6:30- Navigating Ravelry I, $15

Learn the basics of navigating Ravelry. We will be working on seperate laptops and walk through logging on, searching for and adding friends to your profile, joining and posting on forums, searching and browsing for patterns effectively, finding yarn details and more! There will be a time for questions so bring your laptop and let's explore this awesome online resource! Requires a laptop or buddy with one to share, as well as an existing ravelry account. Class limited to 3 laptops so reserve your space in advance. 1 session class

April 14th 4:00 to 5:30- Cables 101, $20

We will be using a child's size hat to learn the basics of cabling. Requires knowledge of knitting in the round (preferably on 2 circulars), and decreasing. Homework is required before class, so please register in advance. $20 includes pattern, this is a 1 session class

April 21st, 28th, and May 5th from 4:00 to 5:30 Toe-up Socks, $15

Learn how to create your own custom fitted socks from the toe up. We will be learning the turkish cast on method, doing a short row heel, and learning the sewn cast off. Requires basic working knowledge of knitting and purling, knitting in the round on 2 circulars, and increasing. 3 session class includes pattern.

April 22nd, 29th, and May 6th from 1:00 to 2:30- Cuff Down Socks, $20

Always wanted to start a pair of socks but never have? We will be walking through a cuff down pattern for socks either on DPN's or 2 circs, whichever you have working knowledge of. Requires knowledge of knitting in the round, knitting/purling, and decreasing. 3 session class includes pattern.

April 23rd 11-12:30, 30th 12:30-2,and May 7th 11-12:30, Top Down Sweater

Anyone can be a sweater designer when you start from the top down! Learn to make and personalize a small sweater, learn to bind off the EZ way, learn to use 2 circs for sleeves, and pick up stitches. Must know basic knitting fundamentals, knitting in the front and back of a stitch, using stitch markers and decreasing. 3 session class, pattern included- Class size is limited to 8, so register early to guarantee a space!

Spring Yarn Tasting

Due to the overwhelming response to our fall yarn tasting, and to share all of our new yarns with you, we have scheduled our spring/summer yarn tasting event! Each participant will receive a sample of all our new yarns as well as some oldies-but-goodies to experience and take home. Finger foods will be served, and you will also receive 15% off any purchases made that day (excluding spinning wheels and sale items). Space is limited, so please register now! Cost is $20 per participant. April 30th from 9:30-11:30 am and May 2nd from 3:00-5:00 pm.

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